New Feature: Candidate Split View

We’ve gone feature crazy this week! With the release of search relevance, soon to be announced updated Microsoft Word plugin, and our top requested improvement: candidate split view. With candidate split view, CATS users can view a candidate’s resume file while they edit the record by placing the resume next to the fields.

This new ability allows users to more easily fill out a candidate record based off of the resume by removing the need to open multiple browser windows or downloading the resume file locally.

You can see this new feature by opening a candidate record that contains a resume, choose edit, and toggle the resume view box to show or hide it.

Ever since CATS first started, community feedback has heavily influenced our feature set. We recently introduced our feedback forum to help give our users a platform to share ideas and we’ve since had dozens of great ideas submitted. We want you to know that we monitor this page and take suggestions seriously.

Thank you to everyone who has been participating in our feedback page and we want to see more! You can join the conversation by logging into your CATS account, selecting the settings gear on the top right corner, then choosing Support and Feedback.