Time Saving Features of Recruiting Software

Whenever you’re working at your recruiting desk, time is of the essence. There are only so many things you can spend your time and energy on in a given amount of time. Better yet, what if a software could do some of the heavy lifting for you?

In the Recruiting Software world, there are numerous features designed to help you streamline whatever candidates or job orders you are trying to take care of. There are also ways to utilize these so you can save yourself the extra time that you could spend cold-calling candidates, or prepping a candidate for an interview.

Here are some of the best ways an Applicant Tracking System can save you some time:


One of the most useful automations in CATS are called Triggers. These can come in really handy when someone gets approved, moves along in a hiring process or applies for a job that you have posted.

In Triggers, you can have personalized emails sent, interviews scheduled or even candidates submitted right to the clients or hiring managers without ever having to touch a keyboard.

This can be really resourceful as a recruiter that has a busy schedule all of the time. Utilizing this feature can free up some of your valuable time by getting rid of some mundane tasks.

Smart Sourcing

Trying to go around and seek out candidates is something that recruiters have to do most of the time to build up some promising pools of talent. Most often, LinkedIn is the destination that recruiters can take advantage of because that is where professionals mostly post their experience, resumés, and more.

Now, instead of harvesting a ton of information by hand -- why not just do it with the click of a button? With a Chrome Extension, you can easily add all of a candidate's information straight to your CATS database.

There are also more sites that can be supported like CATS has, such as Monster, CareerBuilder, Dice, Indeed, GitHub, Twitter and Xing! With this tool, you can save plenty of time trying to fill in a spreadsheet with information, by instead just clicking a few simple buttons.

Delegate Responsibilities

Of course, if you are working on a team of recruiters or have someone else helping with a streamlined hiring process - it can be nice to delegate some tasks. Even in this manner, CATS has a feature called Tasks that can help you assign roles to others.

These Tasks can be created to help organize matters that have to do with any recruiting task.

By assigning certain tasks to others, there will be an easier workload for you! Of course, a person to delegate the tasks to is also necessary for this to work.


One of the things that recruiters use often to communicate with their candidates and clients is email! Still one of the most widely used forms of communication, email can be very useful when making professional communications. Better yet, there are tools often in recruiting software programs that can help you save time when sending these emails: email templates.

After you’ve written an email generic enough to send to any company, candidate or contact you may have, you can simply save it and give it a name in CATS. This saves plenty of time when combined with a workflow or automations. If given the opportunity, CATS can send off some personalized emails without you having to even touch your computer!

Keyboard Shortcuts

This time-saver can often be overlooked when it comes to someone's daily routine. Shortcuts in software or on devices can be super helpful when you get used to how they work. For example, on Mac - I use the Command + A to select all almost every day. Without it, it would be a lot of tedious selecting and highlighting.

Not every software will have these sort of keyboard shortcuts built in, but they can certainly come in handy!

In CATS, there are a number of them that users can take advantage of when doing their daily recruiting tasks.


Combined, these features offer a lot of help in the time-saving realm of recruiting. Free up more of your time in places where mundane and repetitive tasks are present. By getting this time cleared up, you can spend more time on more important parts of the recruiting process.